Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Peanut....Peanut butter...and BABY!

36.5 weeks!

Ultrasound....Doctor opinion....Birth canal...oh my!

Today we had our follow up ultrasound and doctor appointment.  I haven't been very stressed about it because I have been feeling really good and have gotten back to a fun workout program and just kind of letting God take control of the situation.  Clearly, it has been in the back of my mind, but the reality is that He is in control and I am not and I just need to trust Him in this case.

We brought Connor to the appointment today so he could see his little brother on the ultrasound.  He was slightly confused by the whole thing, but played it cool the whole time...mostly concerned about eating lunch afterwards.  Typical boy, happiness is directly related to his stomach.

The ultrasound went just as expected!  I am measuring at 34 weeks and 4 days, but I am actually 36 weeks and 3 days.  Baby is measuring SMALL...and not small in a bad way...just only at 5 pounds so far (we all know they can't really be sure how big he is in there but that's below average at this stage, especially for my history).  The doctor is estimating him to be in the high 6's at time of delivery.  Again, only God knows and only time will tell.  There were no apparent issues with the baby or my placenta.  My blood pressure is lower than most pregnant ladies (normal for me), I haven't gained a single pound in over a month (makes sense because I started working out consistently again), and my fluids around the baby are plentiful.  His head is measuring good and his belly is measuring good and his chest was rising up and down the entire time which ensures them that all is good. Oh and his femurs were looking long...little baby...long legs...I don't even know...but I am so excited to see this little guy soon!  Big, small, skinny, chunky...he will be mine forever! 

So what else did we find out...?!  Well...Mr. Andrew is totally head emerged in the birth canal...and my doctor told me to be ready for anything...and not to sneeze to hard.  Yeah, it's real now...time to get things loaded in the car and ready for anything.  They couldn't even get a picture of his face because it's not visible  in my belly...it is to far down.  That doesn't mean he will come tomorrow...we all know how babies do things...he will probably be a week late and just keep me feeling a ton of pressure until then :). 

Fun part!
1. Current craving: seriously do you know how good asparagus is?!  STILL CRAVING IT DAILY!  
2. Comfort level:  Definite soreness and pressure in areas that aren't really that fun to feel that way...but hey...it is all part of the process.  Each time I get up from bed and cringe I wait to see if contractions will follow it.
3. Current issue: the bathroom is my best friend...baby on bladder...you know it is bad when you sneeze and your 4 year old asks, "Mom, did you pee?" because so many times I have had to run to the bathroom when I felt a sneeze coming on.
4. Workout program: 21 Day Fix...the workouts are JUST perfect.  Not to hard, not to easy.