Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Peanut....Peanut butter...and BABY!

36.5 weeks!

Ultrasound....Doctor opinion....Birth canal...oh my!

Today we had our follow up ultrasound and doctor appointment.  I haven't been very stressed about it because I have been feeling really good and have gotten back to a fun workout program and just kind of letting God take control of the situation.  Clearly, it has been in the back of my mind, but the reality is that He is in control and I am not and I just need to trust Him in this case.

We brought Connor to the appointment today so he could see his little brother on the ultrasound.  He was slightly confused by the whole thing, but played it cool the whole time...mostly concerned about eating lunch afterwards.  Typical boy, happiness is directly related to his stomach.

The ultrasound went just as expected!  I am measuring at 34 weeks and 4 days, but I am actually 36 weeks and 3 days.  Baby is measuring SMALL...and not small in a bad way...just only at 5 pounds so far (we all know they can't really be sure how big he is in there but that's below average at this stage, especially for my history).  The doctor is estimating him to be in the high 6's at time of delivery.  Again, only God knows and only time will tell.  There were no apparent issues with the baby or my placenta.  My blood pressure is lower than most pregnant ladies (normal for me), I haven't gained a single pound in over a month (makes sense because I started working out consistently again), and my fluids around the baby are plentiful.  His head is measuring good and his belly is measuring good and his chest was rising up and down the entire time which ensures them that all is good. Oh and his femurs were looking long...little baby...long legs...I don't even know...but I am so excited to see this little guy soon!  Big, small, skinny, chunky...he will be mine forever! 

So what else did we find out...?!  Well...Mr. Andrew is totally head emerged in the birth canal...and my doctor told me to be ready for anything...and not to sneeze to hard.  Yeah, it's real now...time to get things loaded in the car and ready for anything.  They couldn't even get a picture of his face because it's not visible  in my belly...it is to far down.  That doesn't mean he will come tomorrow...we all know how babies do things...he will probably be a week late and just keep me feeling a ton of pressure until then :). 

Fun part!
1. Current craving: seriously do you know how good asparagus is?!  STILL CRAVING IT DAILY!  
2. Comfort level:  Definite soreness and pressure in areas that aren't really that fun to feel that way...but hey...it is all part of the process.  Each time I get up from bed and cringe I wait to see if contractions will follow it.
3. Current issue: the bathroom is my best friend...baby on bladder...you know it is bad when you sneeze and your 4 year old asks, "Mom, did you pee?" because so many times I have had to run to the bathroom when I felt a sneeze coming on.
4. Workout program: 21 Day Fix...the workouts are JUST perfect.  Not to hard, not to easy.

Monday, May 19, 2014

It's been a crazy journey....and it is NOT over just yet!

 21 weeks!

 24 weeks!

 26 weeks!

 29 weeks!

                                                                     30 weeks!

33 weeks!

Over the past couple months Mr. Andrew has been quite the trouble maker!  I haven't posted many updates because I haven't known where we were at in this process with the things that have come into question...but today I realized that I could use some prayer warriors my way so here are the updates.

Late in the second trimester I started thinning (if you don't know what that means...look it up).  Significant issue but it stopped and I never had any contractions so life carried on as normal.  Shortly after that process I began to experience serious PAIN...in my pelvic floor/inner thighs daily/hourly/etc...so I took out the running aspect of my life (this was a big hit to my emotional state because in my career and crazy life...running is my stress relief...it is my enjoyment...my fulfillment).  I started seeing a "gentle chiropractor" and was back on track and feeling really good within a few weeks.  There has been many questions about my "size"...belly size, that is.  I carry small, I did with Connor and didn't expect much different this time around, but produce big kids...it is what it is! :)  However, this time around it is becoming slightly more serious as I am measuring about 2 weeks behind in belly growth as of my appointment today.  There are a billion things that could cause this and I will NOT google any of them because I will not freak myself out with the Internet scare tactics, I know better!  I will have a follow-up ultrasound in 2 weeks to check Andrew's growth...at this point...his heartbeat and my vital signs are all really steady and good.  If he is growing fine, life will resume as normal...which is what I am telling myself is the case because two weeks is a LONG time to stress about something that could be NOTHING.  (yeah...I am already freaking on the inside but you won't ever see it on my face because I don't play that game hence the reason no one ever knows what is really happening in my head, my husband taught me that trick ;))

I will try to keep this blog updated more frequently as the weeks dwindle down.  For now...see fun facts below!

1. Current craving: Asparagus
2. Sweets or Salty: Sweets all of a sudden (was salty before)
3. Current week: 34 1/2...CRAZY
4. Big brother: totally over the moon excited all of a sudden...he will be attending his first appointment with us for the ultrasound in two weeks
5. Daddy: calm, collected, totally chill...you know...the normal Don everyone laughs at...he hasn't changed!  That's what I appreciate so much about him...he keeps me so very grounded during stressful situations.

Friday, March 28, 2014



I have been going like a crazy person the last few weeks and I haven't had a chance to sit down and update this blog.  And because I just took all of the pictures off my phone, I don't even have belly pictures to share.  I will post a bunch next time so everyone can see the progress in pictures!

Most importantly...we have chosen Godparents, met with the Pastor, and are even more excited to welcome this little man...oh and he is officially named!

Andrew John Billings! 
Don and I battled this one...and we don't disagree on very much in life so this was a tough one for us.  He felt like his grandpa deserved the middle name and I believed that my grandpa was worthy of the middle name.  We settled on my grandpa (happy wife, happy life, right?! ;)).  Connor is named after Don so that was my ammo on why this one was to be named after someone in my family.  He finally agreed on that.   
My grandpa...what a man he has been in my life.  Most people probably already know how different my relationship is with my grandparents than those of traditional grandparent relationships.  But a small summary of that...My grandpa filled the "dad" role in my life growing up (which was void).  He attended many of my games growing up.  He warned me about boys and always offered his opinion, whether I wanted it or not.  He gave me money lessons (Don calls me Johnny Jr.), but don't worry now I give him tax advice :).  He is always one of the first to call and congratulate me on big accomplishments in my life.  He is always looking out for new opportunities for Don and can talk to Don for hours about military, career, and hunting and fishing.  Some people are scared to disappoint their parents...I am terrified of disappointing my grandfather.  He holds me to standards that I don't always even hold myself to (and standards that neither my mom nor my grandma come close to holding me to).  He is my biggest encourager (although Connor and Don give him a BIG run for his money on that title).  I am blessed to be able to honor him in this way.  He was a true key player in my upbringing.

Next order of business:  GODPARENTS!
When I brought up Godparents to Don it was a much easier conversation...  We pretty much agreed on both of them from the first conversation...
Godmother:  Jessica Cooper
I went to college with Jess.  Jess was also a bridesmaid in our wedding.  Most importantly, Jess is a huge fan of our Lord.  A godparent must have the ability (in my eyes and our pastors eyes) to lead their Godchild to rely on their faith when times are hard, to thank God for the good times, and support their Godchild through life obstacles.  Although I have many many faithful friends who serve the Lord daily in their actions, Jess is a sure standout.  She is just something else.  The type of person I could never even describe.  Just a really special person on the inside and out...we are so blessed to have her as a part of Andrew's journey with the Lord.  No one is more deserving to be a Godmother than Jess Cooper (we prefer to call her Coop-A-Loop). 
Godfather:  Richie Murphy (although he will always be Little Richie, to me)
Richie is my (little) cousin!  He is the youngest grandchild of my grandparents and one that I have always had a special bond with.  Richie is the son of my Godmother and the brother of Connor's Godmother.  When I think about my children I can't imagine anyone else as part of their journey to remain faithful to the Lord than this family.  They are just special.  Richie has always supported us and showed his love for us.  Richie has always been there, and always offered a hug (he gives the best hugs).  Richie has a very similar personality to me, and I cherish that part of him.  I appreciate his intuitiveness and I know he will be the MOST successful of the cousins...without a doubt in my mind.  The kid is SMART!  When I think about Richie it is always as a gentle soul, a kind hearted kid (who happens to be physically bigger than me) and as a great role model for Andrew to look up to.  Richie will be off to college this fall, and I cannot even believe how fast that happened.  I know he will influence Andrew in the Lord and in life...as Andrew experiences new adventures in his life.

The rest....

Tomorrow I will be 27 weeks!  It seems ridiculous that I am that far along already.  I can barely comprehend it. 

I head to the doctor in a week so I will send a formal update about progress at that point. 

We are working on the nursery and have started our birthing/breastfeeding/sibling classes at the hospital.  It is all coming together!

General statistics on this stage of pregnancy:
Andrew is roughly the size of an eggplant but measuring on the larger end already.
Andrew kicks and punches like a maniac inside me.  Very active child.
I can't stay away from the bathroom...he chills and kicks my bladder hourly.
Andrew is sitting lower than I would like (and causing constant pelvic pain)...but they are keeping a close eye on that aspect.
Pregnancy brain...in full effect!  Sometimes I feel like I walk in circles until I realize what I was doing.
Growing...I am visibly pregnant now.  There is no denying it.  I feel it in my face, in my arms, in my legs, and of course, in my belly.

I have pictures of the last few weeks on my computer at home so I will post those this weekend for everyone to enjoy...

Have a great weekend and for those blog readers in the STL area...ENJOY THE WEATHER!  I think spring might have arrived, finally!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Looking like a cute little….?

Here we go!

The time has arrived and judging by the amount of Facebook messages and text messages I have received over the last two days…everyone is not waiting very patiently for this information…but I do feel loved that so many wanted to be involved and are following my pregnancy.  I love your love and support.  It means more now than it ever has, in my life, so please know that much!

First, and most importantly, I want to give an overview of the health of Billings Baby #2:
1. All ventricles of heart are there.
2. All fingers and toes have been counted and all looks great in that area (long long long legs on this little baby and as the doctor says "those are some really big feet").
3. All other organs are in the proper place and appear to be measuring perfectly.
4. Baby's head is measuring perfectly and baby has a profile that looks strikingly similar to Mr Connor Lewis.
5. Baby is weighing about 13.5 ounces and normal weight for 20 weeks is about 10.5 ounces….here we go!  Connor repeat?!  MAYBE! ….most likely…. :)

Follow the pictures below to see our gender reveal to the family and to Connor (we knew at the appointment but we left it a mystery for family and friends and Connor):

We will be welcoming a Baby Brother for Connor this year and we are so excited!  Connor wasn't sure about it at first, and had an exceptionally rough day with behavior.  He came around after a short nap and some one-on-one time with me last night.  He now has the following things to say about having a little brother…

"How does my little brother come out of your belly" -Connor
"I will push him out" -Mom
"We don't push people, mom, that is not very nice" -Connor

"I am going to put these presents for the baby in my room, he will be sleeping with me.  We will share toys" -Connor

"We should name him Connor, after me, because he will love me most" -Connor

"I have a good idea!  I will share my blankets with him and he will share his with me…then we will have lots of blankets to snuggle with" -Connor

"Maybe we can put his bed in the bathroom so if he pukes or poops he doesn't have far to go" -Connor

I spent much time laughing and discussing our new little arrival with Connor last night.  He is totally intrigued and I am so excited for this adventure with two boys (my DREAM team).  He will be an exceptional big brother!

The journey continues in this blessing called life…

Have a safe and happy week!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Almost halfway there....WHAT?!

18 week belly

In a couple days we will mark the halfway mark of this pregnancy.  It seems totally unreal to me to be this far along.  Time flies when you are having fun, right?  I think time goes way faster in the last half of pregnancy than the first half...so it's going to be a quick ride!

We head to the doctor tomorrow for our ultrasound.  We will reveal gender Saturday and I will post on here once we do that. 

From here on out I will post information blurbs.  I have taken a backseat to this pregnancy...meaning...I receive as little information as possible from the doctor with minimal testing and intervention.  I want this as natural as possible.  I am hoping for it to be a smooth ride! 

See below for my "blurbs":

Baby size: Mango (about 10 ounces)

Cravings: Coconut (something I actually really like outside of pregnancy but something that I have eaten daily since pregnancy...so delicious)

Desired exercise: running (everything else is not on my interest list although I plan to do Brazil Butt Lift starting SOON).  Don and I will be running a 5k together in April.  Can't wait!

Sleep: comes and goes...sometimes I sleep well...most of the time I rarely get more than a couple consecutive hours.  I am not a good sleeper outside of pregnancy, nor was I my last pregnancy, so this is no shock and something I can live with.  I don't need much to function properly.

Movement: LOTS AND LOTS... this child does not stop.  It is awesome!  By far my favorite part of pregnancy now that I can see my belly actually move and Don and Connor can feel baby move.  So so fun!

Maternity clothes:  I finally, sort of, fit into my maternity jeans from Connor.  I have to wear a belly band with them to keep them up all day but they are better than my post-training (size 0 and 2) jeans.  Still rocking my skinny jeans but I am sure that will change very shortly as I am entering prime growing stages.

Stretch marks: nothing so far!  COCONUT OIL! :)

Favorite moment of the past week: seeing Connor's face when I had him feel baby move...what an incredible experience!!

Hope everyone in the Midwest and other cold areas are staying warm and toasty! 

Have a great weekend I will post reveal picture/videos this weekend after the big reveal!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Reserved Parking....oh yes!!

One of the perks of my job....reserved parking right next to the building. 

Amdocs has surely learned how to make my life a little easier with all the hours I work for them.  HA!  But seriously, I didn't take advantage of these perks with my first pregnancy so I am more than willing to take full advantage this time!  No shame in my game!

Hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying the week of snow and cold weather! 

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Finishing week 16...moving right along to 17!

We are entering into the mid-stretch of this pregnancy.  I am finishing week 16 today.  It seems like this is flying by faster than I could have ever imagined.  All vitals at my last appointment were right on target.  We will be announcing the gender next month.  Stay tuned for that!

I have been feeling like my normal self for the past month or so.  The tiredness has passed.  My crazy energy is back.  My inability to sit still for any length of time has returned.  All signs point to NORMAL in my life! I can't complain at all.  I have been feeling movement daily (sometimes by the minute).  I loved being pregnant with Connor and so far this one has been no different.  I love the feelings.  I love what our bodies are capable of doing.  I love everything about everything when it relates to pregnancy!  It is such a joy and blessing to have God give me such a gift.  I will forever be grateful for Him.

We are getting ready to start the baby room.  Our spare bedroom has collected various things since we moved in a few years ago.  This will be a real treat :).  We will begin the "prepare for life" phase in the next few weeks.  I will post pictures of our progress as it happens. 

My work schedule is tight tight tight until June 15 (so basically until this baby in born) so I have been trying to take it one step at a time in order to properly plan and conquer everything that needs to happen before arrival.  What a process!  This was way easier as a stay at home wife the last time I took on this challenge of pregnancy :). 

Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!  We have a full weekend of straight family and I couldn't be more thrilled for that!


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Billings Baby #2

Don and I are excited and blessed to announce that we will be adding another baby to the family in June 2014!  I decided to break out the Billings Baby blog for Family and Friends to follow this journey and so both kids have a place to look back on to see their progress in my belly over their 9 month journey :).  Although, I am later on posting this one that I was with Connor…go figure!

We hope you enjoy this journey with us as we take on the newest challenge…LIFE with TWO kids!

Announcement photo by Jessica Boggess!

13 weeks!

9 weeks!