I decided that since I didn't have my family around since I am all the way down in Texas... that I would start this so that everyone could keep up with each new month of my pregnancy.
My first prenantal doctor appointment will be on Septmeber 8, 2009. So far I haven't had any major symptoms as far as morning sickness or extreme tiredness, but today I noticed myself yawning at noon... which isn't like me at all!
Well I hope that everyone enjoys my new blog! As I grow... I will post pictures on here for everyone to see! :)
Love you all!
By the way... the pictures here are the "before" pictures that I took the day I found out!
Very exciting news Abs =) I'm thankful for this blog so we can all keep tabs on you and the blessing in your belly. By the way, you aren't looking one bit pregnant! haha Love you!