Tuesday, February 16, 2010

9 weeks left!

Today marks the beginning of week 31!  It's crazy how fast time seems to be flying when I am trying to make it slow down a bit. 

I had my regular doctor's appointment this morning!  Everything is going right on track and all of my vitals and Connor's are normal.  My blood preassure is abnormally low; I guess that non-caring attitude I have developed is actually working on my behalf!  Connor's heart rate was at 153 which is where it has been for the past few visits.  As usual it was not hard to find and very strong and loud. 

I was also told I didn't have to follow the "limited bedrest" anymore since I had gained back the missing weight and MORE.  Now I just have to gain a pound per week from here on out and I will be totally fine.  So I can go back to taking walks but nothing too much more strenuous than that because I am having crazy back issues.  Connor is sitting on my sciatic nerve causing me some sciatica!  This isn't anything unusual and just means that my legs go numb often and shooting pain shoots through my left leg.  It's mostly on my left side but shifts the other every so often.  It is okay though!  I am a big girl and can tough it all out :).  The doctor thinks that with my pre-existing back injuries on top of the pregnancy back issues I am probably a good candidate for "back labor" so say a prayer that she is WRONG.  I hear horror stories about back labor and would rather not have to deal with that ;). 

Don has been wonderful with helping around the house, more now than before and he was already borderline professional.  He also finds plenty of time to massage my back for me before bed which helps me sleep a whole lot better, without even complaining!  I'm thanking my lucky stars above for him every chance I get.  He has really been more than I bargained for through this pregnancy.

We start childbirth classes in March which Don is really looking forward to.  He thinks this will help ease his mind about becoming a father :).  I love his scaredness... it reminds me how human he is!  I will also be doing a breastfeeding class in March to learn the tricks of the trade; I think this will be one of the most beneficial classes that I can take. 

We have gotten everything unpacked from the baby shower!  All the bottles and binkies are sterilized and everything has been cleaned and organized in its proper place, for the most part.  Connor's wardrobe is packed full of some pretty darling stuff and I can't wait to get him in all of it.  It's already been such an amazing journey and it is only just beginning.  I am really loving it all despite the uncomfortable moments, morning sickness, lack of sleep, shortness of breath, etc... that I have experienced so far.  I already feel it is well worth it and I haven't even met the little guy yet. 

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