His closet!
36 weeks!
Today marks the beginning of 36 weeks. At the end of 37 weeks I will be considered "full term"! HOORAY! Just two full weeks left before I am totally okay with him making his appearance. Although, if it happens before that I am confident in the fact that all will be well.
So far I haven't experienced much swelling. My wedding rings are a little tighter than normal but they still fit so I guess that is a good sign. Otherwise, my feet are still normal and my legs don't seem to be retaining much fluid. I have been doing a lot of my feet the past week; my legs have been killing me because of it. I guess carrying around all this extra weight does take a toll on a person. More motivation to get rid of ALL of it after Connor arrives! :)
I am so excited for you guys Abbie! Looking at his little room makes me want to have another.... Don't tell Jason I said that! ;) You are so blessed, I am so happy for you both and can't wait until you have Connor to hold in your loving arms. You guys are going to make wonderful parents, and he is a very lucky little guy.