Generally, it wouldn't take me this long to update my blog but life as a mom makes things a little bit more demanding at home than I ever expected. :)
Connor was born April 22, 2010 at 5:18am. He weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 20 inches long. We only spent one night in the hospital before we were released :). He had a touch of jaundice but nothing that wasn't fixable on its own. The only other issues that came up while in the hospital was that one of his testicles hadn't dropped yet, but as of today they are both there! :)
Labor: I guess it is a good thing I didn't realize how painful the labor process was going to be otherwise I would have never been so calm about it the past 9 months. Labor was something that didn't scare me at all, but after reaching 5cm without pain medicine I gave in and got the epidural, which didn't go as planned. My labor process was very smooth, despite the pain. My body did everything it was supposed to on its own without the help of pitocin. My water broke while putting in the epidural. Once my water broke I dilated even faster and was pushing by 3am. After two hours of pushing Connor finally arrived! My total labor time was 14 hours. Not too bad for a first time baby!
Our first week home was great. My mom was here to help and she was a life saver.
Here are a few pictures of our baby boy!!
That last picture may be the greatest picture I have ever seen