Sunday, February 9, 2014

Looking like a cute little….?

Here we go!

The time has arrived and judging by the amount of Facebook messages and text messages I have received over the last two days…everyone is not waiting very patiently for this information…but I do feel loved that so many wanted to be involved and are following my pregnancy.  I love your love and support.  It means more now than it ever has, in my life, so please know that much!

First, and most importantly, I want to give an overview of the health of Billings Baby #2:
1. All ventricles of heart are there.
2. All fingers and toes have been counted and all looks great in that area (long long long legs on this little baby and as the doctor says "those are some really big feet").
3. All other organs are in the proper place and appear to be measuring perfectly.
4. Baby's head is measuring perfectly and baby has a profile that looks strikingly similar to Mr Connor Lewis.
5. Baby is weighing about 13.5 ounces and normal weight for 20 weeks is about 10.5 ounces….here we go!  Connor repeat?!  MAYBE! ….most likely…. :)

Follow the pictures below to see our gender reveal to the family and to Connor (we knew at the appointment but we left it a mystery for family and friends and Connor):

We will be welcoming a Baby Brother for Connor this year and we are so excited!  Connor wasn't sure about it at first, and had an exceptionally rough day with behavior.  He came around after a short nap and some one-on-one time with me last night.  He now has the following things to say about having a little brother…

"How does my little brother come out of your belly" -Connor
"I will push him out" -Mom
"We don't push people, mom, that is not very nice" -Connor

"I am going to put these presents for the baby in my room, he will be sleeping with me.  We will share toys" -Connor

"We should name him Connor, after me, because he will love me most" -Connor

"I have a good idea!  I will share my blankets with him and he will share his with me…then we will have lots of blankets to snuggle with" -Connor

"Maybe we can put his bed in the bathroom so if he pukes or poops he doesn't have far to go" -Connor

I spent much time laughing and discussing our new little arrival with Connor last night.  He is totally intrigued and I am so excited for this adventure with two boys (my DREAM team).  He will be an exceptional big brother!

The journey continues in this blessing called life…

Have a safe and happy week!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Almost halfway there....WHAT?!

18 week belly

In a couple days we will mark the halfway mark of this pregnancy.  It seems totally unreal to me to be this far along.  Time flies when you are having fun, right?  I think time goes way faster in the last half of pregnancy than the first it's going to be a quick ride!

We head to the doctor tomorrow for our ultrasound.  We will reveal gender Saturday and I will post on here once we do that. 

From here on out I will post information blurbs.  I have taken a backseat to this pregnancy...meaning...I receive as little information as possible from the doctor with minimal testing and intervention.  I want this as natural as possible.  I am hoping for it to be a smooth ride! 

See below for my "blurbs":

Baby size: Mango (about 10 ounces)

Cravings: Coconut (something I actually really like outside of pregnancy but something that I have eaten daily since delicious)

Desired exercise: running (everything else is not on my interest list although I plan to do Brazil Butt Lift starting SOON).  Don and I will be running a 5k together in April.  Can't wait!

Sleep: comes and goes...sometimes I sleep well...most of the time I rarely get more than a couple consecutive hours.  I am not a good sleeper outside of pregnancy, nor was I my last pregnancy, so this is no shock and something I can live with.  I don't need much to function properly.

Movement: LOTS AND LOTS... this child does not stop.  It is awesome!  By far my favorite part of pregnancy now that I can see my belly actually move and Don and Connor can feel baby move.  So so fun!

Maternity clothes:  I finally, sort of, fit into my maternity jeans from Connor.  I have to wear a belly band with them to keep them up all day but they are better than my post-training (size 0 and 2) jeans.  Still rocking my skinny jeans but I am sure that will change very shortly as I am entering prime growing stages.

Stretch marks: nothing so far!  COCONUT OIL! :)

Favorite moment of the past week: seeing Connor's face when I had him feel baby move...what an incredible experience!!

Hope everyone in the Midwest and other cold areas are staying warm and toasty! 

Have a great weekend I will post reveal picture/videos this weekend after the big reveal!