Last Saturday I spent a couple hours in Labor & Delivery Triage. I had very little fetal movement all day and was concerned that something might be wrong with him because he moves constantly. Thankfully, after close monitoring and an ultra-sound they discovered he is totally fine; he is just not as active anymore because he is making his way out. He still has plenty of fluid around him to move and kick, but he is choosing to be pretty subtle now with his movements. I have to pay closer attention to my kick counter this last week or so to ensure he is still doing okay in there!
Some of my current symptoms:
- Restlessness: I have been restless for the past three months and have had some major issues with my back and with my sciatic nerve. My back is still not in the best shape and I still don't really get any sleep at night. People keep telling me to take advantage of him being in me because once he arrives it is a whole new world. I do understand this, but I would rather spend my nights up with someone rather than by myself. It's pretty boring because Don sleeps like a baby no matter what is going on around him. Must be from listening to explosives for two years in Iraq all night. I figure at least when he is here I will get a couple GOOD hours of sleep at night and naps during the day rather than tossing and turning and wincing in pain.
- Nausea: The past couple days I have been feeling like I am trying to catch a cold or the flu or something. This is a sign of labor, and I hope that is all it is for me. I really don't need to have the flu for real.
- Pelvic Pain: It is safe to say that it just hurts down there. My pelvis hurts a lot and my hips sometimes give out when I walk. When I set down I feel like I am sitting on his head, which freaks me out. The only way I can sit comfortable is if I have very poor posture and sorta lounge on my lower back (basically like I am in a recliner). My grandma approved of this since I am pregnant, but I wouldn't get away with that sort of posture in any other circumstance.
- Energy: I have been a bundle of energy the past couple of days. On the weekends I have made it a habit to take a nap while Don entertains the dogs for an hour or so. It has really worked to my benefit since I don't sleep at night much. During the week I suck it up because I fill my days with every little things to keep me busy.
- All of the other symptoms aren't really things that are friendly to post on a public forum... but if you want to know what symptoms come at the beginning of labor you can look it up. Otherwise, all of the moms out there know exactly what is happening and all of those that are interested enough won't get freaked out if they do look it up :).
I will try to update this as much as possible over the course of the next week as things should take a turn to the very end of the road. I am bringing my computer to the hospital with me and will post pictures of baby Connor as soon as I am feeling up to it after delivery. I will need something to keep me occupied while I am stuck in the hospital... not like I won't be busy being a mom or anything...
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