Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Birth Plan

I thought you all might like to see what my birthing plan looks like before it is set into motion :).  If any soon-to-be mothers are looking to make one I suggest using Pregnancy Today.  It's free and super easy!  Hope you all enjoy...

Birth Plan - Abbigale Elizabeth Billings

Due Date: 04/20/2010
Scheduled to deliver at Carl R. Darnall Medical Center

To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you in advance for taking care of my family during this very special time in our lives. I have included all of the most valuable parts of my birthing plan below. I have plans to do a natural childbirth, but am aware of what will need to happen in the case of needing pain relief or a C-section and have included information on those below. My husband, Donald Billings, will be my birthing coach. He can answer any additional questions that you have if I am unable to. Again, thank you for your support during such a special moment. We appreciate your care.

Abbigale Billings

  • I would like to be free to walk around during labor.
  • I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labor.
  • I would like to be able to have fluids by mouth throughout the first stage of labor.
  • I would prefer to keep the number of vaginal exams to a minimum.
  • I would like to wear contact lenses or glasses at all times when conscious.
  • Other Labor Preference: I would like to use a birth ball if available when the pain gets rough
  • Other Monitoring Preference: I am open to any monitoring necessary to ensure my baby is doing well
Labor Augmentation/Induction
  • If labor is not progressing, I would like to have the amniotic membrane ruptured before other methods are used to augment labor.
  • I would prefer to be allowed to try changing position and other natural methods (walking, nipple stimulation) before Pitocin is administered.
Anesthesia/Pain Medication
  • I realize that many pain medications exist. I'll ask for them if I need them.
  • Other Anesthesia/Pain Medication Preference: If I ask for pain medicine I would like the low dose of epidural first so that I can remain walking. If that doesn't appear to relieve pain then I will ask for the stronger dose.
  • Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a Cesarean.
  • If a Cesarean delivery is indicated, I would like to be fully informed and to participate in the decision-making process.
  • I would like My Husband present at all times if Connor requires a Cesarean delivery.
  • I wish to have an epidural for anesthesia.
  • If Connor is not in distress, Connor should be given to My Husband immediately after birth.
  • I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless absolutely required for Connor's safety.
  • I am hoping to protect the perineum. I am practicing ahead of time by squatting, doing Kegel exercises and perineal massage.
  • I would like a local anesthetic to repair a tear or an episiotomy.
  • I would like to be allowed to choose the position in which I give birth, including squatting.
  • I would like My Husband and/or nurses to support me and my legs as necessary during the pushing stage.
  • I would like the chance to touch Connor's head when it crowns.
  • I would like to have Connor placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.
Immediately After Delivery
  • I would like to have My Husband cut the cord.
  • I would like to hold Connor while I deliver the placenta and any tissue repairs are made.
  • I would prefer to hold Connor rather than have (him/her) placed under heat lamps.
  • I would like a private room, if available.
  • I would like Connor with me during the day but in the nursery at night, but brought to me for breastfeeding. (Note: be sure to check the breastfeeding preferences below.)
  • I plan to breastfeed Connor and would like to begin nursing very shortly after birth.
  • Unless medically necessary, I do not wish to have any bottles given to Connor (including glucose water or plain water).
  • I do not want Connor to be given a pacifier.
  • I would like to meet with a lactation consultant.
  • I would like Connor to be circumcised before we check out of the hospital.
  • I would like to take still photographs during labor and the birth.
  • My support person(s) is/are (support people) and I would like them to be present during labor and/or delivery.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Baby Update... the final stretch!

Today I am 37 weeks!  This link will give you more information about what is happening with Connor: 37 WEEKS.  It is really kind of crazy how much he is growing daily now!  Guess I better expect a big kid because I feel like I eat NON-STOP!

Doctor appointment went well today!  Connor's heartbeat was 146; this is the first time it has been below 150 my entire pregnancy.  Obviously normal... now he is representing a true "boy" according to doctors observations about heartbeats.  They say a slower heartbeat means a boy and a faster one means a girl.  His was 170 the first appointment and in the 160s and 150s up until now.  So I guess doctors don't know EVERYTHING ;).  My vitals were also on track.  I haven't had any swelling yet and my blood pressure is still pretty low.  No signs of preeclampsia :). 

What to expect from here on out... I had a sit down visit with my midwife about what to expect from now on.  Basically she told me that I can expect him at any time, which I knew, and that I need to be very aware of his movement from this point forward.  I have to make sure he moves 10 times within a 2 hour period and if not or if I have any doubt then I go straight to labor and delivery.  Connor generally doesn't have any problems moving on a constant basis so I don't see this portion being an issue but it is something I have to keep in mind.  I also have to watch for my water breaking, but this only happens in a small percentage of women prior to going into the hospital so I am not holding my breath that mine will break.  If it does, then I must go to the hospital right away.  They want to make sure I am in active labor not long after the water breaks because once the water is broke it is time... regardless if the body starts labor by itself or not.  The final thing she told me was that I must start recording my contractions.  If they get to the point where they are 5 or less minutes apart for more than an hour then it will be time to check myself into labor and delivery.  Regardless... there should be a baby in my arms in UNDER a month! 

I also finished pre-admitting myself (and Connor) into the hospital.  I had to fill out some paperwork and turn in the birth certificate paperwork and all of the fun stuff.  So there is nothing stopping me from wanting this baby to stay inside ANY longer.  My midwife says he is welcome at any time now even though he won't be considered full term until next Monday.  She is confident in the fact that he is fully developed and ready to take on the world. 

I hope my next update is to inform everyone that I am going into the hospital but if not then I will upload 38 week pictures and information about my next doctor appointment at the end of next week.  I go in weekly now (every Thursday, starting next week) until he is born!  Say a couple prayers that he is ready to make his appearance sooner rather than later... I would rather be up changing diapers and feeding my baby instead of listening to my dogs and husband snore (which is my current nightly routine).  Sleep no longer comes easy, but that's okay because I never really got used to sleep after graduating Maryville since I started grad school right after.  I'll sleep when I am dead... plain and SIMPLE!

Monday, March 29, 2010

37 weeks!

Tomorrow marks the beginning of 37 weeks!  Next Monday I will be considered FULL TERM!  Holy Cow!  I go to the doctor tomorrow afternoon!  I will post updates after that appointment!  Hopefully I have some progression happening that will give me some signs of labor in the next couple weeks!  I don't want to be pregnant for 10 months... but I do know how common that is.  So pray that Connor comes early... for the sake of my sanity ;).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

36 Weeks... and PICTURES!

His closet!
Connor's sleeping arrangements in our room!

36 weeks!

Today marks the beginning of 36 weeks. At the end of 37 weeks I will be considered "full term"! HOORAY! Just two full weeks left before I am totally okay with him making his appearance. Although, if it happens before that I am confident in the fact that all will be well.
So far I haven't experienced much swelling. My wedding rings are a little tighter than normal but they still fit so I guess that is a good sign. Otherwise, my feet are still normal and my legs don't seem to be retaining much fluid. I have been doing a lot of my feet the past week; my legs have been killing me because of it. I guess carrying around all this extra weight does take a toll on a person. More motivation to get rid of ALL of it after Connor arrives! :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

35 weeks!

This is the start of 35 weeks. Not much longer and we will officially be parents. Something very strange, yet exciting, about that. :)

This weekend we are going to put in the car seat, deep clean two of our three rooms, and I will be packing my hospital bag. I figure it isn't too early now ;).

Tomorrow I have a breastfeeding class that I am looking forward to attending as well. I will post new pictures next week when I hit 36 weeks as well as an update about Connor. I don't have an appointment again until March 30. After that appointment I will be in the doctors office weekly!!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Monday, March 8, 2010

34 Weeks!

Tomorrow is the start of 34 weeks! Not much longer and the little guy will be here!

Friday, March 5, 2010

It's becoming a reality, rather than a dream!

I am finishing my 33rd week of being pregnant! Yesterday I had a doctor appointment and all is well with Connor! His heart beat is right on track and his growth is perfect. I go again in three weeks and then weekly after that. I have less than a handful of appointments left before he arrives which makes things seem very real instead of very much a distant dream.

While at the doctor yesterday I received pre-admittance paperwork for labor and delivery. I filled it out as soon as I got home, of course. It all has to do with getting Connor's birth certificate lined up properly, social security card generated as fast as possible, and all those other little details in between. Talk about exciting!! My name is going to be in the "Mother" part of his birth certificate (DUH)... and that is just unreal to me. I always dreamed of being a Mom one day and that day is so close that I can almost reach out and grasp it now. It's truly a miracle in itself!

Last night marked our first of three childbirth classes. Don and I were both a little skeptical because the Army doesn't always do things in the proper manor. They always take unnecessary shortcuts. With that being said we were both blown away by the information given to us at the first class. We were given handouts from the start in which Don started reading right away (this was a shocker to me because him and reading voluntarily is something new). Every time he came across something interesting or something he would have never guessed he nudged me to point it out. On a not so surprising note... most of what was given to us were things that I was already familiar with because I am a research addict and have done my reading about babies, pregnancy, parenting, etc. I was just really glad that Don was so into all of the information that was being offered to us. We are both looking forward to the second class.

I am currently working on a birthing plan and will post that for everyone to see at a later date. Much of it might surprise some of you.... but I can't give any of that away yet. I can't wait to hear your responses!