Generally, it wouldn't take me this long to update my blog but life as a mom makes things a little bit more demanding at home than I ever expected. :)
Connor was born April 22, 2010 at 5:18am. He weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 20 inches long. We only spent one night in the hospital before we were released :). He had a touch of jaundice but nothing that wasn't fixable on its own. The only other issues that came up while in the hospital was that one of his testicles hadn't dropped yet, but as of today they are both there! :)
Labor: I guess it is a good thing I didn't realize how painful the labor process was going to be otherwise I would have never been so calm about it the past 9 months. Labor was something that didn't scare me at all, but after reaching 5cm without pain medicine I gave in and got the epidural, which didn't go as planned. My labor process was very smooth, despite the pain. My body did everything it was supposed to on its own without the help of pitocin. My water broke while putting in the epidural. Once my water broke I dilated even faster and was pushing by 3am. After two hours of pushing Connor finally arrived! My total labor time was 14 hours. Not too bad for a first time baby!
Our first week home was great. My mom was here to help and she was a life saver.
Here are a few pictures of our baby boy!!
"We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves." -Henry Ward Beecher
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
40 weeks!
Today marked Connor's official due date. However, he didn't feel the need to make an appearance so we are still chugging along. I did end up in Labor and Delivery today... thought I was leaking amniotic fluid. They said my main water bag is still in tact so nothing to worry about (DANG!). However, I am 2 cm dilated and 90% effaced! I have been having pretty regular contractions today and into the evening as well!
I took pictures of my belly today but I already re-packed my camera in the hospital bag so I won't be posting those until AFTER Connor arrives unless I get ambitious before then... not seeing that happening though!
My next post should be the arrival! HOORAY!
I took pictures of my belly today but I already re-packed my camera in the hospital bag so I won't be posting those until AFTER Connor arrives unless I get ambitious before then... not seeing that happening though!
My next post should be the arrival! HOORAY!
Friday, April 16, 2010
He seems to be pretty comfortable
My weekly doctor appointment has come and gone and Connor is still sitting very comfortable in me. He still has plenty of fluid to move around in and doesn't appear to be making the plunge just yet. I currently am struggling with bruised ribs from his little feet jabbing into them constantly. You can actually see the bruises from the outside now. It's not very nice of him!
My next appointment is Thursday, April 22. If Connor still hasn't arrived by then we will schedule an induction. Cross your fingers he decides to come out before then but I am just going to be patient. I still have a book I would like to finish before he arrives that is teaching me about my job search and how to be successful at landing my dream job. VERY IMPORTANT STUFF, YOU SEE!
I think that most of the people around me are more anxious than I am about his grand entrance into the world. I have actually stopped answering phone calls, text messages, emails, and facebook because I am getting tired of thinking about it. Maybe I am a little edgy from not getting much sleep...
Monday, April 12, 2010
39 weeks and still counting
I am now 39 weeks pregnant and still counting down the days. I am wishing for the little guy to arrive very soon so the world can welcome him! I have early signs of labor happening right now but I think we are all aware of how long these can last before he actually decides to come out. I have been walking multiple times a day to try to remind him that he is burning out his welcome in there ;). I realized that I am really having a hard time with the idea of not having any control over this situation. I am such a control freak and planner and I cannot remain in that mind-set with him because he will come when he wants to... plain and simple.
Last Saturday I spent a couple hours in Labor & Delivery Triage. I had very little fetal movement all day and was concerned that something might be wrong with him because he moves constantly. Thankfully, after close monitoring and an ultra-sound they discovered he is totally fine; he is just not as active anymore because he is making his way out. He still has plenty of fluid around him to move and kick, but he is choosing to be pretty subtle now with his movements. I have to pay closer attention to my kick counter this last week or so to ensure he is still doing okay in there!
Some of my current symptoms:
Last Saturday I spent a couple hours in Labor & Delivery Triage. I had very little fetal movement all day and was concerned that something might be wrong with him because he moves constantly. Thankfully, after close monitoring and an ultra-sound they discovered he is totally fine; he is just not as active anymore because he is making his way out. He still has plenty of fluid around him to move and kick, but he is choosing to be pretty subtle now with his movements. I have to pay closer attention to my kick counter this last week or so to ensure he is still doing okay in there!
Some of my current symptoms:
- Restlessness: I have been restless for the past three months and have had some major issues with my back and with my sciatic nerve. My back is still not in the best shape and I still don't really get any sleep at night. People keep telling me to take advantage of him being in me because once he arrives it is a whole new world. I do understand this, but I would rather spend my nights up with someone rather than by myself. It's pretty boring because Don sleeps like a baby no matter what is going on around him. Must be from listening to explosives for two years in Iraq all night. I figure at least when he is here I will get a couple GOOD hours of sleep at night and naps during the day rather than tossing and turning and wincing in pain.
- Nausea: The past couple days I have been feeling like I am trying to catch a cold or the flu or something. This is a sign of labor, and I hope that is all it is for me. I really don't need to have the flu for real.
- Pelvic Pain: It is safe to say that it just hurts down there. My pelvis hurts a lot and my hips sometimes give out when I walk. When I set down I feel like I am sitting on his head, which freaks me out. The only way I can sit comfortable is if I have very poor posture and sorta lounge on my lower back (basically like I am in a recliner). My grandma approved of this since I am pregnant, but I wouldn't get away with that sort of posture in any other circumstance.
- Energy: I have been a bundle of energy the past couple of days. On the weekends I have made it a habit to take a nap while Don entertains the dogs for an hour or so. It has really worked to my benefit since I don't sleep at night much. During the week I suck it up because I fill my days with every little things to keep me busy.
- All of the other symptoms aren't really things that are friendly to post on a public forum... but if you want to know what symptoms come at the beginning of labor you can look it up. Otherwise, all of the moms out there know exactly what is happening and all of those that are interested enough won't get freaked out if they do look it up :).
I will try to update this as much as possible over the course of the next week as things should take a turn to the very end of the road. I am bringing my computer to the hospital with me and will post pictures of baby Connor as soon as I am feeling up to it after delivery. I will need something to keep me occupied while I am stuck in the hospital... not like I won't be busy being a mom or anything...
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Head Down!
Connor has finally decided to be head down! Thank goodness for that... at least I will get to attempt a normal delivery (and hopefully be successful). Saw the midwife today and heard his heartbeat. Nothing makes my day more... it's such a beautiful sound! All of our vitals (his and mine) are perfect and on track. He is basically fully plunged into the birth canal and ready to make an appearance. However, I have to get my husband back on track again. Yesterday he broke his nose at work; a 100 pound steel block fell on his face while he was under a vehicle doing some maintenance. Today he is getting a wisdom tooth pulled. So he is going to be in all sorts of fun pain today :). I told Connor to hold off until like Monday or Tuesday (Tuesday would be great because I really like 4/13 as a birthday) so that I don't have to take care of two babies at the same time. Don should heal pretty fast, but we all know how men act when they are sick or hurt. It's like the world came crashing down on them. We shall see how his complaining fits in with my hormones :). It could be a very entertaining day around the Billings household.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
38 Weeks!!
Today marks the beginning of 38 weeks and he is still brewing. I have a fear that he is going to be a big baby. Hopefully, I am wrong for the sake of my body ;).
Here are a couple pictures of my belly as of today...
Here are a couple pictures of my belly as of today...
I go back to the doctor on Thursday and will post an update afterwards about my progress towards the finish line. At this point I am so exhausted from not sleeping that I can barely function anymore. I can't make it through a day without a fairly long nap and then I am up all night, whether I take a nap or not. It's a super fun process and possibly making me totally looney. Oh well!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Connor is dropping fast! I spent all night tossing and turning because of the pain associated with Connor dropping (or the lightning phase as it is called by doctors). I can barely walk today and if I lay down I better find a comfortable position fast because moving is a CHORE! :)
I am hoping this helps start the process of contractions! Say a BIG prayer! :)
I am hoping this helps start the process of contractions! Say a BIG prayer! :)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Birth Plan
I thought you all might like to see what my birthing plan looks like before it is set into motion :). If any soon-to-be mothers are looking to make one I suggest using Pregnancy Today. It's free and super easy! Hope you all enjoy...
Birth Plan - Abbigale Elizabeth Billings
Due Date: 04/20/2010
Scheduled to deliver at Carl R. Darnall Medical Center
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you in advance for taking care of my family during this very special time in our lives. I have included all of the most valuable parts of my birthing plan below. I have plans to do a natural childbirth, but am aware of what will need to happen in the case of needing pain relief or a C-section and have included information on those below. My husband, Donald Billings, will be my birthing coach. He can answer any additional questions that you have if I am unable to. Again, thank you for your support during such a special moment. We appreciate your care.
Abbigale Billings

Birth Plan - Abbigale Elizabeth Billings
Due Date: 04/20/2010
Scheduled to deliver at Carl R. Darnall Medical Center
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you in advance for taking care of my family during this very special time in our lives. I have included all of the most valuable parts of my birthing plan below. I have plans to do a natural childbirth, but am aware of what will need to happen in the case of needing pain relief or a C-section and have included information on those below. My husband, Donald Billings, will be my birthing coach. He can answer any additional questions that you have if I am unable to. Again, thank you for your support during such a special moment. We appreciate your care.
Abbigale Billings

- I would like to be free to walk around during labor.
- I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labor.
- I would like to be able to have fluids by mouth throughout the first stage of labor.
- I would prefer to keep the number of vaginal exams to a minimum.
- I would like to wear contact lenses or glasses at all times when conscious.
- Other Labor Preference: I would like to use a birth ball if available when the pain gets rough
- Other Monitoring Preference: I am open to any monitoring necessary to ensure my baby is doing well
- If labor is not progressing, I would like to have the amniotic membrane ruptured before other methods are used to augment labor.
- I would prefer to be allowed to try changing position and other natural methods (walking, nipple stimulation) before Pitocin is administered.
- I realize that many pain medications exist. I'll ask for them if I need them.
- Other Anesthesia/Pain Medication Preference: If I ask for pain medicine I would like the low dose of epidural first so that I can remain walking. If that doesn't appear to relieve pain then I will ask for the stronger dose.
- Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a Cesarean.
- If a Cesarean delivery is indicated, I would like to be fully informed and to participate in the decision-making process.
- I would like My Husband present at all times if Connor requires a Cesarean delivery.
- I wish to have an epidural for anesthesia.
- If Connor is not in distress, Connor should be given to My Husband immediately after birth.
- I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless absolutely required for Connor's safety.
- I am hoping to protect the perineum. I am practicing ahead of time by squatting, doing Kegel exercises and perineal massage.
- I would like a local anesthetic to repair a tear or an episiotomy.
- I would like to be allowed to choose the position in which I give birth, including squatting.
- I would like My Husband and/or nurses to support me and my legs as necessary during the pushing stage.
- I would like the chance to touch Connor's head when it crowns.
- I would like to have Connor placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.
- I would like to have My Husband cut the cord.
- I would like to hold Connor while I deliver the placenta and any tissue repairs are made.
- I would prefer to hold Connor rather than have (him/her) placed under heat lamps.
- I would like a private room, if available.
- I would like Connor with me during the day but in the nursery at night, but brought to me for breastfeeding. (Note: be sure to check the breastfeeding preferences below.)
- I plan to breastfeed Connor and would like to begin nursing very shortly after birth.
- Unless medically necessary, I do not wish to have any bottles given to Connor (including glucose water or plain water).
- I do not want Connor to be given a pacifier.
- I would like to meet with a lactation consultant.
- I would like Connor to be circumcised before we check out of the hospital.
- I would like to take still photographs during labor and the birth.
- My support person(s) is/are (support people) and I would like them to be present during labor and/or delivery.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Baby Update... the final stretch!
Today I am 37 weeks! This link will give you more information about what is happening with Connor: 37 WEEKS. It is really kind of crazy how much he is growing daily now! Guess I better expect a big kid because I feel like I eat NON-STOP!
Doctor appointment went well today! Connor's heartbeat was 146; this is the first time it has been below 150 my entire pregnancy. Obviously normal... now he is representing a true "boy" according to doctors observations about heartbeats. They say a slower heartbeat means a boy and a faster one means a girl. His was 170 the first appointment and in the 160s and 150s up until now. So I guess doctors don't know EVERYTHING ;). My vitals were also on track. I haven't had any swelling yet and my blood pressure is still pretty low. No signs of preeclampsia :).
What to expect from here on out... I had a sit down visit with my midwife about what to expect from now on. Basically she told me that I can expect him at any time, which I knew, and that I need to be very aware of his movement from this point forward. I have to make sure he moves 10 times within a 2 hour period and if not or if I have any doubt then I go straight to labor and delivery. Connor generally doesn't have any problems moving on a constant basis so I don't see this portion being an issue but it is something I have to keep in mind. I also have to watch for my water breaking, but this only happens in a small percentage of women prior to going into the hospital so I am not holding my breath that mine will break. If it does, then I must go to the hospital right away. They want to make sure I am in active labor not long after the water breaks because once the water is broke it is time... regardless if the body starts labor by itself or not. The final thing she told me was that I must start recording my contractions. If they get to the point where they are 5 or less minutes apart for more than an hour then it will be time to check myself into labor and delivery. Regardless... there should be a baby in my arms in UNDER a month!
I also finished pre-admitting myself (and Connor) into the hospital. I had to fill out some paperwork and turn in the birth certificate paperwork and all of the fun stuff. So there is nothing stopping me from wanting this baby to stay inside ANY longer. My midwife says he is welcome at any time now even though he won't be considered full term until next Monday. She is confident in the fact that he is fully developed and ready to take on the world.
I hope my next update is to inform everyone that I am going into the hospital but if not then I will upload 38 week pictures and information about my next doctor appointment at the end of next week. I go in weekly now (every Thursday, starting next week) until he is born! Say a couple prayers that he is ready to make his appearance sooner rather than later... I would rather be up changing diapers and feeding my baby instead of listening to my dogs and husband snore (which is my current nightly routine). Sleep no longer comes easy, but that's okay because I never really got used to sleep after graduating Maryville since I started grad school right after. I'll sleep when I am dead... plain and SIMPLE!
Doctor appointment went well today! Connor's heartbeat was 146; this is the first time it has been below 150 my entire pregnancy. Obviously normal... now he is representing a true "boy" according to doctors observations about heartbeats. They say a slower heartbeat means a boy and a faster one means a girl. His was 170 the first appointment and in the 160s and 150s up until now. So I guess doctors don't know EVERYTHING ;). My vitals were also on track. I haven't had any swelling yet and my blood pressure is still pretty low. No signs of preeclampsia :).
What to expect from here on out... I had a sit down visit with my midwife about what to expect from now on. Basically she told me that I can expect him at any time, which I knew, and that I need to be very aware of his movement from this point forward. I have to make sure he moves 10 times within a 2 hour period and if not or if I have any doubt then I go straight to labor and delivery. Connor generally doesn't have any problems moving on a constant basis so I don't see this portion being an issue but it is something I have to keep in mind. I also have to watch for my water breaking, but this only happens in a small percentage of women prior to going into the hospital so I am not holding my breath that mine will break. If it does, then I must go to the hospital right away. They want to make sure I am in active labor not long after the water breaks because once the water is broke it is time... regardless if the body starts labor by itself or not. The final thing she told me was that I must start recording my contractions. If they get to the point where they are 5 or less minutes apart for more than an hour then it will be time to check myself into labor and delivery. Regardless... there should be a baby in my arms in UNDER a month!
I also finished pre-admitting myself (and Connor) into the hospital. I had to fill out some paperwork and turn in the birth certificate paperwork and all of the fun stuff. So there is nothing stopping me from wanting this baby to stay inside ANY longer. My midwife says he is welcome at any time now even though he won't be considered full term until next Monday. She is confident in the fact that he is fully developed and ready to take on the world.
I hope my next update is to inform everyone that I am going into the hospital but if not then I will upload 38 week pictures and information about my next doctor appointment at the end of next week. I go in weekly now (every Thursday, starting next week) until he is born! Say a couple prayers that he is ready to make his appearance sooner rather than later... I would rather be up changing diapers and feeding my baby instead of listening to my dogs and husband snore (which is my current nightly routine). Sleep no longer comes easy, but that's okay because I never really got used to sleep after graduating Maryville since I started grad school right after. I'll sleep when I am dead... plain and SIMPLE!
Monday, March 29, 2010
37 weeks!
Tomorrow marks the beginning of 37 weeks! Next Monday I will be considered FULL TERM! Holy Cow! I go to the doctor tomorrow afternoon! I will post updates after that appointment! Hopefully I have some progression happening that will give me some signs of labor in the next couple weeks! I don't want to be pregnant for 10 months... but I do know how common that is. So pray that Connor comes early... for the sake of my sanity ;).
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
36 Weeks... and PICTURES!
His closet!
36 weeks!
Today marks the beginning of 36 weeks. At the end of 37 weeks I will be considered "full term"! HOORAY! Just two full weeks left before I am totally okay with him making his appearance. Although, if it happens before that I am confident in the fact that all will be well.
So far I haven't experienced much swelling. My wedding rings are a little tighter than normal but they still fit so I guess that is a good sign. Otherwise, my feet are still normal and my legs don't seem to be retaining much fluid. I have been doing a lot of my feet the past week; my legs have been killing me because of it. I guess carrying around all this extra weight does take a toll on a person. More motivation to get rid of ALL of it after Connor arrives! :)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
35 weeks!
This is the start of 35 weeks. Not much longer and we will officially be parents. Something very strange, yet exciting, about that. :)
This weekend we are going to put in the car seat, deep clean two of our three rooms, and I will be packing my hospital bag. I figure it isn't too early now ;).
Tomorrow I have a breastfeeding class that I am looking forward to attending as well. I will post new pictures next week when I hit 36 weeks as well as an update about Connor. I don't have an appointment again until March 30. After that appointment I will be in the doctors office weekly!!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
This weekend we are going to put in the car seat, deep clean two of our three rooms, and I will be packing my hospital bag. I figure it isn't too early now ;).
Tomorrow I have a breastfeeding class that I am looking forward to attending as well. I will post new pictures next week when I hit 36 weeks as well as an update about Connor. I don't have an appointment again until March 30. After that appointment I will be in the doctors office weekly!!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
It's becoming a reality, rather than a dream!
I am finishing my 33rd week of being pregnant! Yesterday I had a doctor appointment and all is well with Connor! His heart beat is right on track and his growth is perfect. I go again in three weeks and then weekly after that. I have less than a handful of appointments left before he arrives which makes things seem very real instead of very much a distant dream.
While at the doctor yesterday I received pre-admittance paperwork for labor and delivery. I filled it out as soon as I got home, of course. It all has to do with getting Connor's birth certificate lined up properly, social security card generated as fast as possible, and all those other little details in between. Talk about exciting!! My name is going to be in the "Mother" part of his birth certificate (DUH)... and that is just unreal to me. I always dreamed of being a Mom one day and that day is so close that I can almost reach out and grasp it now. It's truly a miracle in itself!
Last night marked our first of three childbirth classes. Don and I were both a little skeptical because the Army doesn't always do things in the proper manor. They always take unnecessary shortcuts. With that being said we were both blown away by the information given to us at the first class. We were given handouts from the start in which Don started reading right away (this was a shocker to me because him and reading voluntarily is something new). Every time he came across something interesting or something he would have never guessed he nudged me to point it out. On a not so surprising note... most of what was given to us were things that I was already familiar with because I am a research addict and have done my reading about babies, pregnancy, parenting, etc. I was just really glad that Don was so into all of the information that was being offered to us. We are both looking forward to the second class.
I am currently working on a birthing plan and will post that for everyone to see at a later date. Much of it might surprise some of you.... but I can't give any of that away yet. I can't wait to hear your responses!
While at the doctor yesterday I received pre-admittance paperwork for labor and delivery. I filled it out as soon as I got home, of course. It all has to do with getting Connor's birth certificate lined up properly, social security card generated as fast as possible, and all those other little details in between. Talk about exciting!! My name is going to be in the "Mother" part of his birth certificate (DUH)... and that is just unreal to me. I always dreamed of being a Mom one day and that day is so close that I can almost reach out and grasp it now. It's truly a miracle in itself!
Last night marked our first of three childbirth classes. Don and I were both a little skeptical because the Army doesn't always do things in the proper manor. They always take unnecessary shortcuts. With that being said we were both blown away by the information given to us at the first class. We were given handouts from the start in which Don started reading right away (this was a shocker to me because him and reading voluntarily is something new). Every time he came across something interesting or something he would have never guessed he nudged me to point it out. On a not so surprising note... most of what was given to us were things that I was already familiar with because I am a research addict and have done my reading about babies, pregnancy, parenting, etc. I was just really glad that Don was so into all of the information that was being offered to us. We are both looking forward to the second class.
I am currently working on a birthing plan and will post that for everyone to see at a later date. Much of it might surprise some of you.... but I can't give any of that away yet. I can't wait to hear your responses!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
32 weeks!!!
It's hard to believe that in 2 months (or less) I will be a mommy!
Today marks the beginning of week 32 of this crazy process. The back pain seems to grow with me everyday and my breathing seems to be harder to come by. Those little feet in my ribs are to blame!
Here is what is going on with Connor (and me) at this point! 32 Week Progression!
Today marks the beginning of week 32 of this crazy process. The back pain seems to grow with me everyday and my breathing seems to be harder to come by. Those little feet in my ribs are to blame!
Here is what is going on with Connor (and me) at this point! 32 Week Progression!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
9 weeks left!
Today marks the beginning of week 31! It's crazy how fast time seems to be flying when I am trying to make it slow down a bit.
I had my regular doctor's appointment this morning! Everything is going right on track and all of my vitals and Connor's are normal. My blood preassure is abnormally low; I guess that non-caring attitude I have developed is actually working on my behalf! Connor's heart rate was at 153 which is where it has been for the past few visits. As usual it was not hard to find and very strong and loud.
I was also told I didn't have to follow the "limited bedrest" anymore since I had gained back the missing weight and MORE. Now I just have to gain a pound per week from here on out and I will be totally fine. So I can go back to taking walks but nothing too much more strenuous than that because I am having crazy back issues. Connor is sitting on my sciatic nerve causing me some sciatica! This isn't anything unusual and just means that my legs go numb often and shooting pain shoots through my left leg. It's mostly on my left side but shifts the other every so often. It is okay though! I am a big girl and can tough it all out :). The doctor thinks that with my pre-existing back injuries on top of the pregnancy back issues I am probably a good candidate for "back labor" so say a prayer that she is WRONG. I hear horror stories about back labor and would rather not have to deal with that ;).
Don has been wonderful with helping around the house, more now than before and he was already borderline professional. He also finds plenty of time to massage my back for me before bed which helps me sleep a whole lot better, without even complaining! I'm thanking my lucky stars above for him every chance I get. He has really been more than I bargained for through this pregnancy.
We start childbirth classes in March which Don is really looking forward to. He thinks this will help ease his mind about becoming a father :). I love his scaredness... it reminds me how human he is! I will also be doing a breastfeeding class in March to learn the tricks of the trade; I think this will be one of the most beneficial classes that I can take.
We have gotten everything unpacked from the baby shower! All the bottles and binkies are sterilized and everything has been cleaned and organized in its proper place, for the most part. Connor's wardrobe is packed full of some pretty darling stuff and I can't wait to get him in all of it. It's already been such an amazing journey and it is only just beginning. I am really loving it all despite the uncomfortable moments, morning sickness, lack of sleep, shortness of breath, etc... that I have experienced so far. I already feel it is well worth it and I haven't even met the little guy yet.
I had my regular doctor's appointment this morning! Everything is going right on track and all of my vitals and Connor's are normal. My blood preassure is abnormally low; I guess that non-caring attitude I have developed is actually working on my behalf! Connor's heart rate was at 153 which is where it has been for the past few visits. As usual it was not hard to find and very strong and loud.
I was also told I didn't have to follow the "limited bedrest" anymore since I had gained back the missing weight and MORE. Now I just have to gain a pound per week from here on out and I will be totally fine. So I can go back to taking walks but nothing too much more strenuous than that because I am having crazy back issues. Connor is sitting on my sciatic nerve causing me some sciatica! This isn't anything unusual and just means that my legs go numb often and shooting pain shoots through my left leg. It's mostly on my left side but shifts the other every so often. It is okay though! I am a big girl and can tough it all out :). The doctor thinks that with my pre-existing back injuries on top of the pregnancy back issues I am probably a good candidate for "back labor" so say a prayer that she is WRONG. I hear horror stories about back labor and would rather not have to deal with that ;).
Don has been wonderful with helping around the house, more now than before and he was already borderline professional. He also finds plenty of time to massage my back for me before bed which helps me sleep a whole lot better, without even complaining! I'm thanking my lucky stars above for him every chance I get. He has really been more than I bargained for through this pregnancy.
We start childbirth classes in March which Don is really looking forward to. He thinks this will help ease his mind about becoming a father :). I love his scaredness... it reminds me how human he is! I will also be doing a breastfeeding class in March to learn the tricks of the trade; I think this will be one of the most beneficial classes that I can take.
We have gotten everything unpacked from the baby shower! All the bottles and binkies are sterilized and everything has been cleaned and organized in its proper place, for the most part. Connor's wardrobe is packed full of some pretty darling stuff and I can't wait to get him in all of it. It's already been such an amazing journey and it is only just beginning. I am really loving it all despite the uncomfortable moments, morning sickness, lack of sleep, shortness of breath, etc... that I have experienced so far. I already feel it is well worth it and I haven't even met the little guy yet.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
30 weeks!!!!
I can't believe I only have around 10 weeks left of carrying this little bundle of joy inside me. Then I get to start the journey of parenthood... oh dear!
Yesterday marked my 30 week mark!
Connor is still growing at weighing in at around 3 pounds right now. He is starting to fill out more and more each week (well each day really). This week and the coming couple weeks are major brain development times for him. He is actually now able to grab/hold a finger with his hand now. How cool!!!
Here are updated 30 week pictures... ENJOY!
Yesterday marked my 30 week mark!
Connor is still growing at weighing in at around 3 pounds right now. He is starting to fill out more and more each week (well each day really). This week and the coming couple weeks are major brain development times for him. He is actually now able to grab/hold a finger with his hand now. How cool!!!
Here are updated 30 week pictures... ENJOY!
Baby Shower!
Wow... that is all I have to say about how much fun I had celebrating Baby Connor with my friends and family! We were so blessed by all of them and I am very appreciative for their generosity. He has a much better wardrobe than me already! :)
Here are a couple of photos from the day!
Here are a couple of photos from the day!
Letter handmade by Jess Cooper
"My Daddy is My Hero" bib set!
Swing from Grandma Dotty! (aka: Mrs. Kuhlmann)
Cowboy hat from Connor's GREAT-GRANDMA Murphy!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
29 weeks! 11 more to go...
Today marks the start to week 29! Baby Connor is growing tall now but should start filling out more in the coming weeks. Below is the link to everything else that is developing for him at this mark.
On another update: I will be leaving tomorrow morning to head back to Missouri. I am hoping to make it to my moms by around 8pm so we shall see how that works for me :)!
I am looking forward to seeing friends and family at the baby shower! Can't wait to celebrate this bundle of joy inside me!!!
On another update: I will be leaving tomorrow morning to head back to Missouri. I am hoping to make it to my moms by around 8pm so we shall see how that works for me :)!
I am looking forward to seeing friends and family at the baby shower! Can't wait to celebrate this bundle of joy inside me!!!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Limited Bedrest... YIKES!
After some concern about my weight fluctuations in the past couple of weeks I decided to give my midwife a call this morning to make sure everything seemed normal.
The first person I spoke to was her nurse who informed me that they see it a lot in this stage of pregnancy and not to worry. She would run it by the midwife and if she had other things to say then she would give me a call...
The midwife called me back later and told me that I needed to start taking it a little easy from here on out. She called it "limited bedrest." She said that they were already concerned about me being so under weight when I started the pregnancy so they wanted to make sure the baby was well taken care of and nourished. I haven't had a huge appetite lately because my stomach is being pushed against other things which doesn't leave much room for food. However, she told me not to worry because Connor's vitals are still perfect and he is still very active inside me. So this means that I am safe to travel home for the baby shower, but I am not going to be doing much more than that. I have intentions on seeing a couple of people while I am home but nothing that takes me more than about 30 minutes to drive and see. Once I get back here from my travels I will have another appointment and she will make more decisions at that point. She just wants to take precautions so I don't throw myself into pre-term labor!
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers! :)
Less than three months until Connor's arrival!
The first person I spoke to was her nurse who informed me that they see it a lot in this stage of pregnancy and not to worry. She would run it by the midwife and if she had other things to say then she would give me a call...
The midwife called me back later and told me that I needed to start taking it a little easy from here on out. She called it "limited bedrest." She said that they were already concerned about me being so under weight when I started the pregnancy so they wanted to make sure the baby was well taken care of and nourished. I haven't had a huge appetite lately because my stomach is being pushed against other things which doesn't leave much room for food. However, she told me not to worry because Connor's vitals are still perfect and he is still very active inside me. So this means that I am safe to travel home for the baby shower, but I am not going to be doing much more than that. I have intentions on seeing a couple of people while I am home but nothing that takes me more than about 30 minutes to drive and see. Once I get back here from my travels I will have another appointment and she will make more decisions at that point. She just wants to take precautions so I don't throw myself into pre-term labor!
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers! :)
Less than three months until Connor's arrival!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Today marks my 28th week! Compared to many others I am pretty small still, but doctor says that is no big deal! :)
This week I have to start my kick counter. I don't think this will be a problem though because Connor moves around in there the majority of every day (and night).
Here is some information about everything going on with him this week: 28 Weeks!
I start my travels home next Wednesday for the baby shower! I can't wait to see everyone and make more memories that will last a lifetime!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Third Trimester!!
Today marks the first day of the last trimester! INSANE!!
27 weeks today and starting to feel like a cow! Just lovely ;)
THREE MONTHS LEFT and everyone gets to meet little Connor
27 weeks today and starting to feel like a cow! Just lovely ;)
THREE MONTHS LEFT and everyone gets to meet little Connor
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Right on Track!
I visited my midwife today!!
Here are some stats:
Here are some stats:
- My blood pressure: 106/70
- My temp: 98.2
- Connor's heart: 150 (and as strong and loud as ever... those waffles must have done some good this morning!)
- Connor's growth: 26 (meaning he is right on track since I am 26 weeks along)
I talked to the midwife today about my inability to grow as much as many others that are on about the same track as me. She said not to worry... I am just a small person. Watch.. I will probably blow up like a balloon in the next couple weeks! Connor is now right on track instead of being about 2 weeks ahead on growth. He slowed down a lot (I am kind of thankful for that because I am already nervous about having a huge baby). She said she sees it a lot and there is nothing to worry about! :)
I will be calling to set up our classes next week! I will be doing a breast-feeding class, Don and I will be attending labor and delivery classes together, and then we will do a grand tour of the labor and delivery section of the hospital. I think it's going to be a pretty good and informative time for both of us! He is still pretty nervous about the idea of holding and taking care of a newborn. But I think he will do JUST fine!
My next appointment isn't until after I return from the baby shower, Feb. 16! I will hopefully have some more exciting updates at that point!
I will be sure to post more pictures as I progress!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
26 Weeks... and filling out!
I am finally filling out and becoming more round instead of just having a little bump! Can't believe how far along I am already!
26 Weeks Progression
Check out the above website to see what is happening as far as growth with Connor! It's so exciting!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
New Update on Connor
Since I didn't have much time before Christmas leave to fill everyone in on new developments with Connor I am going to combine multiple updates into one!
December 17, 2009: Prenatal Appointment
December 17, 2009: Prenatal Appointment
- Connor's Heartbeat: 147 beats
- Connor's Growth: 1 full week ahead of normal (hopefully this means he will be ready early rather than that he will be a gigantic baby)
- My vitals were all perfectly normal
- All ultrasound results came back normal as well will all ligaments attached and his organs working properly
- My weight gain is on track even though people think I am too small. They only anticipated me to reach 140 and I am at 132 now. So I will go over the projection which is totally okay with the docs
- The trip to Missouri was a little strenuous with the dogs and our luggage packed in my little eclipse. My patience ran thin multiple times but we did make it in one piece without me kicking anyone out on the highway. I had issues with cramping legs during the travel but once I was able to walk around for awhile I felt much better. I felt like I did major workouts for a few days after the fact though.
- The trip back to Texas was much easier on me. My body didn't ache as much and the dogs basically slept the entire time. They were all tuckered out from the two weeks worth of excitement. Not to mention the weather was beautiful when we arrived!
Next Appointment:
- I go back for my next regular checkup on Jan. 14. I will then schedule more ultrasounds and routine testing for Connor. I will post updates about that appointment as soon as I have a chance!
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